In the mission "Return to Sender", the player's first home base Banapur is torched by Pagan's army, and the player has to get there quickly to fend them off and rescue any survivors.
Taking over one of the four Fortresses will stop counterattacks on outposts within its territory.
Occasionally, Pagan's troops will attack outposts Ajay has liberated, requiring you to come back and push the attack away.
They will routinely swoop down from the sky to attack the player at random times, and while they do always announce their attack with a distinctive screech before swooping in, their attack animations start about 20 feet away from the player, making them nearly impossible to avoid or kill in time if you don't find them before they start their dive.
Airborne Mooks: This game features the most aggressive eagles in the world.
Doesn't make it any less terrifying when he stabs Ajay's companion in the back with a fork and dares him to cry for help.
Agent Peacock: Pagan Min likes to dress flamboyantly and isn't afraid to wear his more theatrical influences on his sleeve.
Even in the "Negotiate" ending, the only retribution he reaps upon Ajay is pulling a Screw This, I'm Outta Here!, right after crowning Ajay as the next king of Kyrat, even going so far as to call a "do-over" after all of the pain Ajay has caused him. The player then has two options: "Execute", where Ajay puts a bullet in his head after Pagan Min has had his final meal, or "Negotiate", where Ajay accepts his pitiful 'surrender'. At the end of the game, he chooses to Face Death with Dignity, though he has one final plea for his life. A secret ending shows Min personally transporting Ajay to the site where his mother wanted to be put to rest. This is right after murdering a soldier in front of him for shooting at the bus he was on, and just before kidnapping him.
Affably Evil: Pagan Min seems to be very friendly towards Ajay.
In the Shangri-La segments, Beasts summoned by Hunters.
Ajay tells the convict that he's heard of this stupid idea before. They also make a non-hallucinatory appearance in one of the Hunting sidequests, in which an escaped convict who used them to break out of prison hires Ajay to put them down.
Hurk's exploding, C4-covered monkeys from the Rook Islands appear in at least one hallucination.